Referencing Styles

A guide to the reference styles used at the University of St Andrews

What you need to include, and types of books

Book references include:

  • Author(s)
  • Title
  • Editor(s) / Translator(s)
  • Edition Statement
  • Volume
  • Place
  • Publisher
  • Date

E-book references include:

  • Author(s)
  • Title
  • Editor(s) / Translator(s)
  • Edition Statement
  • Volume
  • Place
  • Publisher
  • Date
  • Format / Platform


Fields marked in blue are only included where the source contains that information.

The Basic Footnote citation (for first citation)

Note number. First Name Surname, Title (Place: Publisher, Year), p. xx.

The Basic Footnote citation (for subsequent citation of a work)

Note number. Surname, p. xx.

The Basic Reference format is:

Surname, First Name, Title of book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year)

First footnote citation:

2. Richard Thomson, Phillip Dennis Cate and Mary Weavin Chapin, Toulouse-Lautrec and Montmartre. (Washington DC: National Gallery of Art in association with Princeton University Press, 2005), p. 42.

Subsequent footnote citation:

3. Thomson, Cate and Weavin, p. 82.

Bibliography entry:

Thomson, Richard, Phillip Dennis Cate, and Mary Weavin Chapin, Toulouse-Lautrec and Montmartre (Washington DC: National Gallery of Art in association with Princeton University Press, 2005)

With ebooks you provide the same information as you would with a print book, and an indication of the type of file, or service you accessed it from.

First footnote citation:

4. William A. Shack, Harlem in Montmartre: a Paris jazz story between the wars (Berkeley: University of California, 2001), p. 121. University Press Scholarship Online.

Subsequent footnote citation:

6. Shack, p. 143.

Bibliography entry:

Shack, William A.Harlem in Montmartre: a Paris jazz story between the wars (Berkeley: University of California, 2001), University Press Scholarship Online


  • Authors are given as First name Surname
  • For multiple authors follow the advice the Author Rules tab
  • First citations provide the full reference, subsequent use of the same source requires a shortened citation


  • The first author / editor name is given as Surname, First name,
  • Second and subsequent author / editor names are given in the format of First Name Surname
  • For multiple authors follow the advice in the Author Rules tab, paying attention to the use of commas after each authors name, and the word 'and' before the last author
  • Title is always italicised, and given in full
  • Location is always followed with a ":"
  • Date follows the place and publisher
  • For E-books provide details of the format or platform the ebook was found on.