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- Referencing something mentioned in another source (Secondary Referencing)
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How Harvard manages Authors, Editors and Anonymous works
- One Author
- One Editor
- Two Authors / Editors
- Three Authors / Editors
- Four or more Authors / Editors
- Corporate / Organisational Authors
- No Authors/ Editors or Anonymous works
- Translated works
In-text citation: (Surname, Year, p.).
(Buss, 2008, p.24).
Reference List: Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.
Buss, D.M. (2008) Evolutionary psychology: the new science of the mind. 3rd edn. Boston: Pearson / Allyn and Bacon.
In-text citation: (Surname, Year, p.).
(Sinnott-Armstrong, 2008, p.89)
Reference List: Surname, Initial(s). (ed.) (Year). Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.
Sinnott-Armstrong, W. (ed.) (2008). Moral psychology: the evolution of morality - adaptation and innateness. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
In-text citation: (Surname and Surname, Year, p.).
(Eysenck and Keane, 2015, p. 208).
Reference List: Surname, Initial(s). & Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.
Eysenck, M. W. and Keane, M. T. (2015) Cognitive psychology: a student's handbook. New York: Psychology Press.
Editors - add (eds.) after the second editors name in the reference list only.
Note the use of the word and between authors, not &.
In-text citation: (Surname, Surname and Surname, Year, p.).
(Kump, Kasting and Crane, 2014, p. 151).
Reference List: Surname, Initial(s)., Surname, Initial(s). and Surname. Initial(s). (Year) Title. Edition. Place: Publisher.
Kump, L.R., Kasting,J.F. and Crane, R.G. (2014) The Earth system. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited.
Editors - add (Eds.) after the final editors name in the reference list only.
Note the use of the world and between the second and third authors/editors, not &.
Where you have four or more authors/editors, the in-text citation includes the surname of the first listed author followed by et al., meaning "and others".
In-text citation: (Surname, et al., Year, p.).
(Svergun, et al., 2013, p. 215).
Reference List: Surname, Initial(s)., et al. (Year) Publication Information
Svergun, D.I., et al. (2013) Small angle x-ray and neutron scattering from solutions of biological macromolecules. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Editors - add (eds.) after the final editors name in the reference list only.
Where a work is authored by an organisation/group, the full name of the organisation serves as the author.
In-text citation: (Organisation name, Year, p.)
(World Health Organization, 2014, p.12)
Reference List: Organisation (Year) Title. Place: Publisher.
World Health Organization (2011) Face to face with HIV stigma and discrimination in health care. Geneva: World Health Organization.
Where a work has no given Author or Editor, the in-text citation uses the Title in italics
In-text citation: (Title, Year, p.)
(O: A presidential novel, 2012, p. 83)
Reference List: Title (year) Publication information.
O: A presidential novel (2012) London: Simon & Schuster.
Don't use "anon" or "anonymous" in place of an author/editor.
Where a work is translated, provide the details of the translation you have read, including the original author/editor and the translator(s)
In-text citation: (Author/Editor, Year, p.)
(Garcia-Marquez, 1978, p. 96)
Reference List: Surname, Initial(s). (Year) Title. Translated by Initial. Surname. Edition. Place: Publisher.
Garcia-Marquez, G. (1978) One hundred years of solitude. Translated by G. Rabbasa. London: Pan.
Note the format of the translators name - Initial. Surname.
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