Referencing Styles

A guide to the reference styles used at the University of St Andrews

About MHRA Referencing

There are two versions of the MHRA Reference Style.  If you have been advised to use MHRA check with your school to confirm which version you should use.  

  • Footnotes and Bibliography OR
  • Author-Date


With this version short citations are given in parenthesis within the text, and a bibliography is added at the end of the document.  Where the author's name is given within your text, it should not be repeated within the citation.

In-text citation:

(Surname Year: page)


(Carroll and Markosian 2010: 83)

Bibliography entry:

Surname, First Name. Year. Title (Publisher)


Carroll, John W. and Markosian, Ned. 2010. An introduction to metaphysics (Cambridge University Press)

Ordering the Bibliography 

In the MHRA Author-Date style, the bibliography is organised alphabetically by the surnames of the authors.



The 4th edition of MHRA Style Guide: A Handbook for Authors, Editors, and Writers of Theses, is the official and definitive source for the MHRA referencing style.  A PDF can be freely accessed online.

Chapter 7 covers citations and chapter 8 covers bibliography entries.