A-Z Databases: M
List of the databases you can use to access journal articles, reports, conference papers, ebooks, newspapers, and many other resources.
M - Databases
- The Making of the Modern World This link opens in a new windowcontains over 61,000 primary source documents and books essential to the understanding of the social, political and economic development of the western world, from the mid-15th to the mid-19th century
- Manchester Medieval Sources Online This link opens in a new windowContains hundreds of pages of original medieval history documents compiled for the study and teaching of this historical period. Includes many documents translated into English for the first time.
It also provides access to Medievalportal, a gateway to medieval resources covering topics such as The Black Death, Women in Medieval Europe, The Crusades, etc. - Manuscripts Online This link opens in a new windowonline primary resources relating to written and early British printed material, covering the period 1000 to 1500
- Marine Digimap - see Digimap This link opens in a new window
- Mass Observation Online This link opens in a new windowThe Mass Observation Archive is a huge database of diaries, directives, surveys, photographs and reports collected in the UK from 1937-1992
- MathSciNet This link opens in a new windowdatabase of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. (AMS platform)
- MathSciNet via EBSCOhost This link opens in a new windowdatabase of reviews, abstracts and bibliographic information for much of the mathematical sciences literature. (EBSCO platform)
- Medieval and Early Modern Sources Online (MEMSO) This link opens in a new windowdigitised full-text historical sources for Medieval and Early Modern Britain. Published by Tanner Ritchie with some material from the University of St Andrews Library's Special Collections
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies This link opens in a new windowprimary source materials covering social, cultural, political, science and religious perspectives from 12th to early 18th centuries. Sources include manuscripts relating to Arthurian legends, early music, renaissance man, masculinity 1600-1800 and medieval and early modern women as well as several other areas.
- Medieval Family Life This link opens in a new windowunique resource containing collected letters from five families from 15th Century England. Manuscript images are in full colour with accompanying searchable transcriptions
- MEDLINE (Ovid) This link opens in a new windowOvid MEDLINE is a powerful version of MEDLINE particularly suited to carrying out systematic reviews and other advanced forms of searching.
- MEDLINE (via Web of Science) This link opens in a new windowmajor biomedical database, available through various providers as well as the free publically accessible version, PubMed. 1950-
- Meiji Japan: the Edward Sylvester Morse collection from the Phillips Library at the Peabody Essex Museum This link opens in a new windowmanuscripts for the study of Meiji society, culture, ethnology and education covering the period 1856-1925
- Middle English Compendium This link opens in a new windowcontains three Middle English electronic resources: the Middle English Dictionary, a Bibliography of Middle English prose and verse, and a Corpus of Middle English Prose and Verse.
- Mideastwire.com This link opens in a new windowa news service that translates stories from and about the Middle East. Covers news from all 22 Arab countries, Iran, and the Arab media Diaspora
- Migration to New Worlds This link opens in a new windowUsing primary source materials, Migration to the New Worlds provides insight into the stories of migrants from the UK, Ireland, Europe and Asia to the New World and Australasia, in the 19th and early 20th centuries. A database of letters, diaries, government papers, pamplets, shipping papers, photographs, hand-drawn maps etc from a range of archival sources.
- MIT Press D20: Direct to Open This link opens in a new windowKey subject areas covered in the complete collection include art and architecture, biomedical sciences, business and finance, computer science, cognitive science, design, education, environment, game studies, humanities, information science, linguistics, neuroscience, new media, philosophy, and social sciences
- MLA International Bibliography (via EBSCOhost) This link opens in a new windowindex to papers, proceedings, dissertations, and bibliographies on literature, language, linguistics and folklore, from 1926 onward. Produced by the Modern Language Association of America
- Monumenta Germaniae Historica (MGH) This link opens in a new windowa series of primary sources for the study of German History from the end of the Roman Empire to 150
- Moscow State University Herald - see EastView Databases This link opens in a new window
- Moscow Times - see EastView Databases This link opens in a new window
- MuseumsEtc. This link opens in a new windowA collection of books for museum and gallery professionals shares best practice globally, addressing contemporary issues in a practical, authoritative and innovative way