A-Z Databases: R
List of the databases you can use to access journal articles, reports, conference papers, ebooks, newspapers, and many other resources.
R - Databases
- Reaxys This link opens in a new windoworganic, organo-metallic, and inorganic chemistry database.It is based on the CrossFire Beilstein, CrossFire Gmelin and Patent Chemistry databases, and covers over 3,800 journals and patents from 1771 to date
- The Records of the Parliament of Scotland to 1707 (RPS) This link opens in a new windowthe Proceedings of the Scottish Parliament from the first surviving act of 1235 to the union of 1707
- Regional Business News This link opens in a new windowfull-text; comprehensive coverage of over 80 regional business publications, covering all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States.
- Répertoire de la litterature de l'art (RILA) and Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) This link opens in a new windowfree to use index of European and American visual arts material published between 1975-2007
- RILM (Repertoire International de Literature Musical) Abstracts of Music Literature This link opens in a new windowa music bibliography covering traditional, popular and classical music. Subject include ethnomusicology, composition, music analysis, music perception and performance practice.
- Rock's backpages This link opens in a new windowRock and Roll library. Provides over 22,000 searchable, full-text articles, interviews and reviews from the world's best music writers and critics, from the late 1950s to the present day. Also includes MP3 audio files of original artist interviews. Updated weekly
- The Romantic era redefined This link opens in a new windowThe database is a searchable collection of literary, political, scientific and sociological works focusing on the period between 1800 and 1830. It includes primary texts and works from previously unrecognized writers from Britain, the British Empire and North America, as well as critical essays written specifically for this collection.
- Roundabout This link opens in a new window600 Technicolor films from the cinemagazine Roundabout (1962-1974)
It was designed to promote British values, manufacturing and the ethos of the Commonwealth to audiences. - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy Online (REP) This link opens in a new windowa multi-volume reference work which is updated regularly with new entries by leading scholars, over 2,000 state-of-the-art articles,covering the broadest range of topics in the philosophical canon, as well as philosophy from all continents and all periods.
- Royal Society Journals This link opens in a new windowaccess to journals of the Royal Society including the archive
- RSC E-book Collection This link opens in a new windowOver 1000 books, equating to over 20,000 chapters spanning more than 40 years, have been brought together and digitised as fully-searchable pdf files. The result is a comprehensive overview of research and opinion in a multitude of areas of chemical science.