A-Z Databases: T
List of the databases you can use to access journal articles, reports, conference papers, ebooks, newspapers, and many other resources.
T - Databases
- Targeting Iraq, part 1 : planning, invasion, and occupation, 1997-2004 This link opens in a new window"Targeting Iraq, Part 1: Planning, Invasion, and Occupation, 1997-2004 is a collection of 2,141 records, many only recently declassified, documenting U.S. policy toward Iraq from 1997 through mid-2004. Included is material from President Bill Clinton's second term, when the overthrow of Iraq's president, Saddam Hussein, became official United States policy, documents covering the invasion of Iraq in March 2003, and information on the 18 months of direct U.S. occupation.
- Teatro español del siglo de oro This link opens in a new windowTeatro Español del Siglo de Oro full text database contains the most important dramatic works of sixteenth and seventeenth century Spain - more than 800 plays written by 16 dramatists including Lope de Vega, Calderón de la Barca and Agustín Moreto. The editorial board of Teatro Español del Siglo de Oro have carefully selected the published editions, choosing the first editions of each volume and avoiding facsimiles. Teatro Español del Siglo de Oro brings together various editions from different European libraries.
- The Telegraph Historical Archive 1896-2016 This link opens in a new windowas well as reporting on domestic affairs The Telegraph published widely on foreign affairs and foreign cultures. The archive includes also the Sunday edition.
- TEMPO: The Early Modern Pamphlets Online: The Dutch Pamphlets This link opens in a new windowaccess to a large collection of primary texts from the 16th and 17th centuries, on the history of the Low Countries between 1486 and 1853. The Dutch Pamphlets series comprises the complete Knuttel collection of 34,000 pamphlets from the National Library of the Netherlands, and the Van Alphen collection of 2,800 pamphlets from Groningen University Library
- Textual History of the Bible Online This link opens in a new windowA cross-searchable platform containing all available information regarding the textual history, textual character, translation techniques, manuscripts, and the importance of each textual witness for each book of the Hebrew Bible.
- Thesaurus Lingua Graecae (TLG): a digital library of Greek literature This link opens in a new windowThe TLG database contains most surviving literary texts written in Greek from Homer to the late medieval period. [N.B. It's necessary to create an account in order to search the database. This enables you to use personalisation features such as saved searches.]
- Thesaurus Linguae Latinae This link opens in a new windowThe largest dictionary of Latin in existence, covering the language from its origin to c. 600 A.D.
- The Times Digital Archive 1785-2009 This link opens in a new windowcomplete digital edition of The Times (London). Scanned original pages.
- The Times of India (1838-2010) This link opens in a new windowcomplete browsable digital version of the Times of India covering the period 1838-2003.
- Times Literary Supplement This link opens in a new windowreviews, letters, poems and articles from over 5,000 issues of the TLS. Ideal for research into the literary activity and critical opinion makers of the 20th Century and 21st centuries.
- Torrossa.it! Editoria Italiano Online This link opens in a new windowCasalini libri's full text platform offers access to e-books and e-journals from over 150 Italian publishers.
- Translated Texts for Historians E-Library This link opens in a new windowa 72-volume series of scholarly English translations of important historical texts, from 300-800 AD. In many cases, these sources have been translated for the first time, from Greek, Latin, Syriac, Coptic, Arabic, Georgian, Armenian and Old Irish.
- TRILT (Television and Radio Index for Learning and Teaching) This link opens in a new windowUK television and radio data on the web, with over 300 TV/radio channels, from 1995 onwards. enables customised automated alerts for forthcoming programmes up to 10 days in advance; and highlights programmes for which a DVD copy may be requested
- Twentieth century African-American Poetry: See Twentieth century American Poetry (Second edition) This link opens in a new window
- Twentieth century American poetry (Second edition) This link opens in a new windowTwentieth-Century American Poetry, Second Edition combines two existing Chadwyck-Healey Literature Collections, Twentieth-Century American Poetry and Twentieth-Century African American Poetry, with over 500 volumes of material from established and emergent poets. The collection contains over 100,000 poems representing the full range of American poetry of the last century, from the major Modernist works of Ezra Pound, William Carlos Williams and Djuna Barnes to the contemporary works of Robinson Jeffers, Billy Collins, Elinor Wylie and Peter Gizzi.
Formerly part of LION (Literature Online) - Twentieth Century Drama This link opens in a new windowa collection of the most important works from the last century from the English-speaking world. Features plays from noted playwrights as well as lesser known dramatists.
Formerly part of LION (Literature Online) - Twentieth Century English Poetry This link opens in a new windowA collection of more than 600 volumes of poetry by 283 poets from 1900 to the present day, including W.B. Yeats, Rudyard Kipling, Thomas Hardy, Wilfred Owen, Thom Gunn, Fleur Adcock, Paul Muldoon, Tony Harrison, Benjamin Zephaniah and Carol Ann Duffy, and incorporating the poets in The Faber Poetry Library. Includes as full a collection of the published works of each poet as possible. When available, a poet's collected edition has been keyed. The collection includes poetry in English by poets from outside the British Isles, as well as significant translations of non-English poetry.
Formerly part of LION (Literature Online)