Referencing Software: EndNote
About EndNote
EndNote is reference management software with features to—
- Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library.
Synchronize your references between computers, an online library, and your iPhone or iPad, through EndNote Sync.
Share your references with collaborators through EndNote Sync.
Use your references in Word to create formatted citations and bibliographies or independent reference lists.
Getting Started
EndNote training sessions
We offer training classes on EndNote which can be booked via PDMS
Student PCs
All student PCs (PC Classrooms, Teaching and Library PCs) have been installed with EndNote. Click on the Windows start button to open EndNote.
Go to the File menu to create a new library and save it to your home drive (H:/).
Installing on your own computer
EndNote can be downloaded via Apps Anywhere:
Once you have installed it go to the File menu and create a new EndNote Library. Save your EndNote Library on to your PC or Mac* and not to a cloud environment such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive.
EndNote libraries are made up of 2 parts, the .enl file and the .Data folder. These must be kept together in the same location on your device.
* macOS Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina and Big Sur users - see additional information on advice relating to iCloud on the Clarivate EndNote guide.
Need help?
Got any questions?
We can help, email the Library. | |
Visit the EndNote help pages. | |
View EndNote Youtube videos for demos and tutorials. | |
Clarivate EndNote Guide
Clarivate, the maker of EndNote, has a Libguide for EndNote which has more information as well as links to their training sessions.