Online reading lists - info for staff

Guidance for teaching staff on creating and editing online lists for their modules

Adding sections

Create a structure

► Video guide: How to create a structure

It's usually best to start by adding a section to your list (e.g. 'Week 1', 'Core Texts').

Adding subsections

You can add sections within sections in exactly the same way:

As you add sections and subsections the software builds a Table of Contents:

Moving sections

► Video guide: How to move sections

If you need to move sections around you can do this in two ways.

1. Moving one place up or down
If (e.g.) you added a subsection below the section you'd intended it to go in:

2. Moving whole sections
If you want to reorder the sections on your list (e.g. Week 4 becomes the new Week 2): 

You can now drop the section into the new position on the list:

Next step

Next step

Start creating bookmarks to add in to the sections on your list.