Online reading lists - info for staff
Info for module coordinators
2024-25 reading lists
If you're updating your own list there should be a fresh copy for 2024-25 available to work on:
- go to > Log In > search by module code or title
- if there isn't a list already on the system, or if you'd like us to give you editing access for a list, contact us at the address below
If you'd like the Library to create or update an online reading list for your module:
- the deadlines for reading lists to be in by are
Semester 1: Tuesday 16 July 2024
Semester 2: Wednesday 20 November 2024 - for info on what info to send us, see our FAQ:
Contact us:
The online reading lists system provides enables teaching staff to provide students with easy access to course materials:
- displays library location and availability of print books and DVDs
- direct access to e-books, journal articles, web resources, scanned readings, streamed video
- quick to update: add new material, rearrange order, etc via an easy to use editing interface
Options for your list
There are 2 ways to set up or update a reading list for your module –
► Create or update the list yourself - how to get editing access
If you haven’t done so already, ask the Library to give you access to the online reading lists software. You will be sent an e-mail invitation to become a ‘List Publisher’ – click on the link in the message to accept this.
For new lists just let us know the module code and title
For existing lists we will set up a new copy of the list for you to work on.
► Ask the Library to create/update the list for you - how to contact us
e-mail the Library attaching a copy of your module reading list (or a near-final draft) marked up with any instructions (e.g. 'Scan Chapter 1', 'Please order e-book if available').
You can ask to be given editing access to the list once it has been set up. You can also ask us to give you permissions that will allow you to place requests to have chapters from print books scanned.
If you have a straightforward request, e.g. to have last year's list rolled over with a few changes, e-mail the Library with the relevant details.
General information
Our FAQ page has lots of info about reading lists and resources for teaching and learning including:
- Deadline for submitting lists
- Supporting dual delivery of teaching
- Electronic copies of readings
- Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 4:26 PM
- URL:
- Print Page
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