Online reading lists - info for staff

Guidance for teaching staff on creating and editing online lists for their modules

Updating/editing your list

This page describes

  • processes for updating an existing reading list
  • making changes and actions you can take for sections and individual bookmarks
  • moving bookmarks and sections
  • other actions: changing the title of the list; removing an old list from view; inviting colleagues to become co-editors for a list.

Updating a list from a previous year

First, make sure you’re editing the most recent version of the list
Log in to the reading lists system at
In most cases the academic year the list relates to is shown near the top of the page.
If you’re viewing a list from a previous year you’ll see an alert like this:

‘Rolling over’ digitised readings

Scanned readings are set to ‘expire’ at the end of each academic session (in late August) – this is a requirement of our copyright licence. Readings that you want to use again need to be attached to the new copy of your reading list. Contact us ( to arrange for this to be done – you don’t need to place new digitisation requests for them.

Editing bookmarks and sections

Clicking thebuttons on the right of the page gives you a number of options for both bookmarks and sections.

There are also several actions available via thebuttons for individual bookmarks:


Moving bookmarks and sections

Moving bookmarks

If you want to quickly rearrange the order of readings you can use the Move arrow Image of move arrow icon - description followsto click and drag bookmarks.

You can also use the cut and paste feature on the Edit menu to move bookmarks - described below.

Moving sections

► Video guide: How to move sections

If you need to move sections around you can do this in two ways.

1. Moving one place up or down
If (e.g.) you added a subsection below the section you'd intended it to go in:

2. Moving whole sections
If you want to reorder the sections on your list (e.g. Week 4 becomes the new Week 2): 

You can now drop the section into the new position on the list:


Other actions

The Edit button at the top right of the page gives some further options, including: