Online reading lists - info for staff

Guidance for teaching staff on creating and editing online lists for their modules

Create a bookmark for a DVD or BluRay

► Video guide: How to create a bookmark for a DVD

Step 1: Open a separate tab on your browser. From there:

– go to the Library homepage or the Classic Catalogue and search for a DVD 

– on the search results page, click on the title you want to add to your list to open the full record (as below).

Steps for creating a bookmark for a DVD
Next step: Return to the browser tab for your reading list and add in your new bookmarks:


Create a bookmark for an online video

► Video guide: How to create a bookmark for an online video

NB: Before proceeding please check there are no copyright restrictions on linking to a film you've found online.

Open a separate tab on your browser, navigate to the webpage and click Add to My Bookmarks.

Next step: Return to the browser tab for your reading list and add in your new bookmarks:


Any items you add won’t be visible to students until you publish your list.