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Key Resources

Below is a list of the main databases which provide onlineaccess to literary texts. Additional resources for primary texts are listed on the Specialist Databases tab. 

Below is a list of the key databases for literature. These provide more functionality than Library search and are particularly useful if you want to look at a range of materials on a specific author or look at a literary period or literary movement. Literature Online  will allow you to search the contents of Literature Online and the ABELL bibliography at once. More specialist databases relating to individual authors or literary periods/genres are available by clicking on the Specialist Databases tab at the top of this guide.

Subject Guide

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Hilda McNae
Senior Librarian (Academic Liaison)

University of St Andrews Library, KY16 9TR

Tel: 01334 462298

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Graphic: Research like a pro with Lean Library! Install the plug-in to unlock free legal access to academic spapers and ebook resources.  Lean Library Technology from Sage.

Ever been stuck behind a paywall for a journal article, newspaper article, or ebook?

Lean Library is a browser add-on that makes it easier to get access to these resources. Land on a webpage where you can't access a resource and Lean Library can give you a link directing you to the full-text version available through the Library subscription, or an open-access version. It saves you time looking for a login button or having to go back to Library Search to look up a title. 

You can install the Lean Library browser add-on in most browser download.leanlibrary.com/

More information about Lean Library can be found in our guide libguides.st-andrews.ac.uk/lean