English: Newspaper, Periodical and Magazine Archives
Resources for English Studies
Introduction to Newspapers and Periodicals
Newspapers and Periodicals can be useful for providing access to book and theatre reviews as well as giving you an understanding of events at the time they were first reported. On this page you will find details of databases which allow you access to archival newspaper and periodical archive from 17th to 20th Century. If you are looking for more recently published information then please look at our Book Reviews Guide or Newspaper Guide
Cross-search primary resources
- Gale Primary Sources This link opens in a new windowa platform for cross-searching multiple Gale resources at once including historical newspaper archives and digital primary source databases
This service allows you to search across multiple primary source databases provided by Gale Cengage
- Burney Collection
- 19th Century UK Periodicals
- Britsh Library Newspapers
- Archives of the Illustrated London News, The Listener, The Times, The Economist, The Picture Post and the Times Literary Supplement
- Nineteenth Century Collections Online
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online
Archival Newspapers and Periodicals
- 19th Century UK Periodicals This link opens in a new windowOver 100 19th century full text periodicals. Subscription covers part 1: New Readerships.
- America's Historical Newspapers This link opens in a new windowaccess to Early American Newspapers 1801-1900 and Early American Newspapers, Series 1: From Colonies to Nation (1690-1876)
- American Periodicals This link opens in a new windowchronicles the development of America across 150 years with journals published from 1740-1800 offering insights into America's transition from colonial times to independence, periodicals published during the Civil War and Reconstruction and from 1800s to 1900. General interest magazines and journals for both children and women from 19th Century are also available
- British Library Newspapers This link opens in a new windownewspaper collections from the British Library which span from 1732 - 1950 and include both regional and local titles reflecting social, political and cultural events of the times
- British Periodicals This link opens in a new windowThis database provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.
- Burney Collection This link opens in a new windowlarge collection of 17th and 18th century mostly English news media - over 1,270 pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks and newspapers - gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817).
- Daily Mail Historical Archive 1896-2016 This link opens in a new windowincludes both the Daily Mail Historical Archive and the Daily Mail Atlantic Edition
- Gale Primary Sources This link opens in a new windowa platform for cross-searching multiple Gale resources at once including historical newspaper archives and digital primary source databases
- Illustrated London News: Historical Archive 1842-2003 This link opens in a new windowpresents a vivid picture of British and world events - including news of war, disasters, royalty, social affairs, the arts and science. Over 260,000 full colour pages, fully searchable and browseable
- The Listener Historical Archive This link opens in a new windowdeveloped as the medium for reproducing broadcasts, The Listener (1929-1991) was the weekly newspaper published by the BBC. Provides an insight into the intellectual and cultural history of the twentieth century, and also to the golden years of radio and television.
- New York Times with index This link opens in a new windowThe New York Times (1851-2020), with Index (1851-1993) gives access to over 160 years worth of the New York Times, from it's first issue. Providing scanned images of all articles as they originally appeared, including images.
- Picture Post Historical Archive This link opens in a new windowunique archive of the complete Picture Post, the pioneering illustrated newspaper published in Britain between 1938-1957, and containing thousands of images
- Proquest Historical Newspapers: Communist Historical Newspaper Collection This link opens in a new windowCollection of 20th century communist American and British papers.
- Proquest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003) This link opens in a new windowFulltext coverage of The Guardian (1821-2003), The Manchester Guardian (1828-1959), and The Observer (1791-2003)
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers. The Irish Times (1859-2012) and the Weekly Irish Times (1876-1958) This link opens in a new windowThis historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and scholars with online, easily-searchable first-hand accounts and unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
- The Scotsman Digital Archive, 1817-1950, Proquest Historical Newspapers This link opens in a new windowdigital newspaper archive containing every issue of The Scotsman between 1817 and 1950.
- The Telegraph Historical Archive 1896-2016 This link opens in a new windowas well as reporting on domestic affairs The Telegraph published widely on foreign affairs and foreign cultures. The archive includes also the Sunday edition.
- The Times Digital Archive 1785-2009 This link opens in a new windowcomplete digital edition of The Times (London). Scanned original pages.
- Times Literary Supplement This link opens in a new windowreviews, letters, poems and articles from over 5,000 issues of the TLS. Ideal for research into the literary activity and critical opinion makers of the 20th Century and 21st centuries.
- Vogue Archive This link opens in a new windowcomplete searchable archive of American Vogue, from the first issue in 1892 to the current issue
- The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals:1800-1900 This link opens in a new windowContains around 70,000 publications. Searching can be done by person, publication, town/county/country, issuing body or subject.
- Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals 1824-1900 - See under C19: the Nineteenth century index This link opens in a new window