English: Book Reviews
Individual Titles
You will find the current issues of the TLS on the newspaper display in the library. Access to previous issues is as follows:
- 1902-2014 TLS Historical Archive Online
- 2012-current TLS via Gale Literature Resource Center
- 1972-current is on microfilm (please e-mail - libcollteam@st-andrews.ac.uk)
The London Review of Books is available from 1979 onwards. You will find the current copy on the display in the library. Please request previous issues from Library Store.
The New York Review of Books is available from 1968 onwards. You will find the current copy on the display in the library. Please request previous issues from Library Store
The Women's Review of Books - online access from 1983- present.
The Scottish Review of Books is available from 2005 -current
Edinburgh Review is Edinburgh’s oldest literary journal. Published since 1802 and released three times a year. The print copy is available from 1985-1995 and 2009 - current and can be found on level 4 of the library. Electronic backfiles are available from 1802-1929
American Book Review reviews frequently neglected published works of fiction, poetry, and literary and cultural criticism from small, regional, university, ethnic, avant-garde, and women's presses.
Finding book reviews in databases
Some library databases will allow you to narrow your search results to just book reviews.
- JSTOR This link opens in a new windowTo find book reviews choose Advanced Search option. Enter keywords, book title or author name and make sure you leave the search field set to full-text.
Before performing your search tick the box alongside Reviews listed under Item Type - ProQuest One Literature This link opens in a new windowTo find book reviews use either the basic or advanced search screen and then refine your search to book reviews in the Content Type section.
Finding Reviews in Archival Databases
The Library has access to a wide range of newspaper and periodical archives which can be useful for identifying reviews of books and theatre performances.
Select a relevant database or publication relating to the literary period you are interested in from the list of Archival Newspapers and Periodicals or use Gale Primary Sources to search across multiple publications from different periods.