Inter-Library Loans: for a Journal
Make a request
Make a request: Inter-Library Loan
To request a journal article
1. Click on 'Make a request: Inter-Library Loan' (above)
2. Select 'Journal or journal article'
3. Login in (if you aren't already)
4. Select 'Journal article'
5. Complete as much of the form as you can. Providing detailed information, in particular the ISSN, will help us to source and supply your request more quickly
6. Read the Declaration
7. Click the 'submit' button at the bottom of the screen.
To request a full issue of a journal
1. Click on 'Make a request: Inter-Library Loan' (above)
2. Select 'Full issue of a journal'
3. Login in (if you aren't already)
4. Select 'Full issue of a journal'
5. Complete as much of the form as you can. Providing detailed information, in particular the ISSN, will help us to source and supply your request more quickly
6. Read the Declaration
7. Click the 'submit' button at the bottom of the screen.
How long does it take?
Books and articles will usually arrive between 7 and 10 days, so please keep this in mind if you are requesting a specific title ahead of a deadline. Some items may take longer to arrive, for instance, if they are harder to source, so we can't guarantee delivery within a specific timeframe. You will receive updates on your request through your university email account.
Please allow 24 hours for us to process your request, excluding weekends and holidays.