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Guide to Resources in History

Special Collections

The University Library has an extensive and rich Special Collections.To search for books use Library Search or use the search on the Special Collections page. Not all of the collections are yet in the catalogue, so it may be best to contact Library Staff if you are seeking a resource. 

Please note that visiting is by appointment only, email unicolls@st-andrews.ac.uk to discuss your requirements and to arrange an appointment. 

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Get lean library for easier access to eresources

Graphic: Research like a pro with Lean Library! Install the plug-in to unlock free legal access to academic spapers and ebook resources.  Lean Library Technology from Sage.

Ever been stuck behind a paywall for a journal article, newspaper article, or ebook?

Lean Library is a browser add-on that makes it easier to get access to these resources. Land on a webpage where you can't access a resource and Lean Library can give you a link directing you to the full-text version available through the Library subscription, or an open-access version. It saves you time looking for a login button or having to go back to Library Search to look up a title. 

You can install the Lean Library browser add-on in most browser download.leanlibrary.com/

More information about Lean Library can be found in our guide libguides.st-andrews.ac.uk/lean

Online Reference Collections

Subject Guide

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Vicki Cormie
University Library
North Street
St Andrews
KY16 9TR
01334 462314