Modern Languages: Newspapers
You have access to a wide range of newspapers through the Library.
Many are available online through databases and digital archives. We also hold archived print and microform runs in University Collections
If you cannot find the title you need, please let us know, email
Online databases: current
These online databases contain an extensive range of recent and archived content from many national and international newspapers.
- Factiva This link opens in a new windowFactiva is a Dow Jones & Reuters Company news resource covering more than 14,000 international business and news publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones and Reuters newswires, and the Associated Press, as well as Reuters Fundamentals; over 500 international news wires; media programs with transcripts from BBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.; investment analysis; stock exchange feeds, etc.
- Nexis UK This link opens in a new windowregional, national and international newspapers covering 1985- onwards. Also includes newswires, country reports, transcripts of TV broadcasts, magazines and trade reports
- Keesing's World News Archive This link opens in a new windowcontains over 100,000 full-text reports on the world's most historically significant political, social, and economic events, since 1931. Over 1,000 worldwide news reports are collected daily and summaries published every month.
- East View Databases This link opens in a new windowgives access to a variety of Russian databases and publications including The Moscow Times, Moscow University Press journals, Russian Social Sciences & Humanities collection, Literaturnaia Gazeta and Pravda Digital Archive
Online databases: historical
These online archives provide access to different collections of historical newspapers.
Newspaper kiosk in New York, Photo 1941. Photo. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 25 May 2016. Accessed 14 Feb 2018.
This search engine allows you to cross-search a number of historical archives. You might find it a good place to start if you are searching for a specific topic or author, regardless of publication.
- Gale Historical Newspapers This link opens in a new windowFormerly known as Newsvault, Gale Historical Newspapers is a search engine that allows simultaneous search across a number of Gale newspaper: Burney Collection (17th and 18th Century Newspapers); Economist Historical Archive 1843-2006; Illustrated London News Historical Archive 1842-2003; Nineteenth Century British Library Newspapers, Parts I and II; Nineteenth Century UK Periodicals; Times Digital Archive 1785-1985; Times Literary Supplement Historical Archive 1902-2005
You can also search a range of individual databases covering various time periods and geographic locations.
- 19th Century UK Periodicals This link opens in a new windowOver 100 19th century full text periodicals. Subscription covers part 1: New Readerships.
- America's Historical Newspapers This link opens in a new windowaccess to Early American Newspapers 1801-1900 and Early American Newspapers, Series 1: From Colonies to Nation (1690-1876)
- British Library Newspapers This link opens in a new windownewspaper collections from the British Library which span from 1732 - 1950 and include both regional and local titles reflecting social, political and cultural events of the times
- British Periodicals This link opens in a new windowThis database provides access to the searchable full text of hundreds of periodicals from the late seventeenth century to the early twentieth, comprising millions of high-resolution facsimile page images. Topics covered include literature, philosophy, history, science, the social sciences, music, art, drama, archaeology and architecture.
- Burney Collection This link opens in a new windowlarge collection of 17th and 18th century mostly English news media - over 1,270 pamphlets, proclamations, newsbooks and newspapers - gathered by the Reverend Charles Burney (1757-1817).
- Eighteenth Century Journals: a portal to newspapers and periodicals, c. 1685-1815 This link opens in a new windowBringing together rare journals printed between c.1685 and 1835, this resource illuminates all aspects of eighteenth-century social, political and literary life. Topics covered are wide-ranging and include colonial life, provincial and rural affairs, the French and American revolutions, reviews of literature and fashion throughout Europe, political debates, and London coffee house gossip and discussion. Full text searchable transcriptions to every page.
- Keesing's World News Archive This link opens in a new windowcontains over 100,000 full-text reports on the world's most historically significant political, social, and economic events, since 1931. Over 1,000 worldwide news reports are collected daily and summaries published every month.
- Periodicals Archive Online This link opens in a new windowmajor archive that makes the backfiles of scholarly periodicals in the arts, humanities and social sciences available electronically, providing access to the searchable full text of hundreds of titles. The database spans more than two centuries of content
- ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Chinese Newspapers Collection This link opens in a new window12 English language Chinese newspapers covering the period 1832-1953
- Proquest Historical Newspapers: Communist Historical Newspaper Collection This link opens in a new windowCollection of 20th century communist American and British papers.
- Proquest Historical Newspapers: The Guardian (1821-2003) and The Observer (1791-2003) This link opens in a new windowFulltext coverage of The Guardian (1821-2003), The Manchester Guardian (1828-1959), and The Observer (1791-2003)
- The Waterloo Directory of English Newspapers and Periodicals:1800-1900 This link opens in a new windowContains around 70,000 publications. Searching can be done by person, publication, town/county/country, issuing body or subject.
- Latin American and Caribbean History This link opens in a new windowA collection of primary source documents about Latin America and the Caribbean. Includes selections from 19th Century U.S. Newspapers reflecting viewpoints on Latin American and Caribbean affairs, U.S. involvement and intervention in those affairs and world opinion related to those events.
- The Times of India (1838-2010) This link opens in a new windowcomplete browsable digital version of the Times of India covering the period 1838-2003.
Individual newspapers online
If you are looking for content from a particular newspaper, you may find the following links helpful.
Tablet computer. Photograph. Britannica ImageQuest, Encyclopædia Britannica, 2 Mar 2017. Accessed 14 Feb 2018.
- Daily Mail Historical Archive 1896-2016 This link opens in a new windowincludes both the Daily Mail Historical Archive and the Daily Mail Atlantic Edition
- This link opens in a new windowAccess to the Financial Times and for UK and international business, finance, economic, and political news. The first time you use you will be asked to register for a account after logging in with your University credentials.
- Illustrated London News: Historical Archive 1842-2003 This link opens in a new windowpresents a vivid picture of British and world events - including news of war, disasters, royalty, social affairs, the arts and science. Over 260,000 full colour pages, fully searchable and browseable
- Irish Times (1859-2012) and Weekly Irish Times (1875-1958)These archives present the history of Ireland and the world, through a unique perspective and historical context.
- Los Angeles Times (1881-1990)This historical newspaper provides the full text of every page, article and issue published since the first issue in 1881.
- Moscow TimesAvailable 1997 to present.
- New York Times with index This link opens in a new windowThe New York Times (1851-2020), with Index (1851-1993) gives access to over 160 years worth of the New York Times, from it's first issue. Providing scanned images of all articles as they originally appeared, including images.
- North China Herald: 1842-1943Part of BRILL online, the The North China Herald is the prime printed source for the history of the foreign presence in China from around 1850 to the 1940s.
- The Scotsman Digital Archive, 1817-1950, Proquest Historical Newspapers This link opens in a new windowdigital newspaper archive containing every issue of The Scotsman between 1817 and 1950.
- The Telegraph Historical Archive 1896-2016 This link opens in a new windowas well as reporting on domestic affairs The Telegraph published widely on foreign affairs and foreign cultures. The archive includes also the Sunday edition.
- The Times Digital Archive 1785-2009 This link opens in a new windowcomplete digital edition of The Times (London). Scanned original pages.
- Times Literary Supplement This link opens in a new windowreviews, letters, poems and articles from TLS Archive, ideal for research into the literary activity and critical opinion makers of the 20th and 21st Centuries
- TLS (Times Literary Supplement) 2012 -currentreviews, letters, poems and articles from TLS ideal for research into the literary activity and critical opinion makers of the 20th and 21st Centuries
Print and microform archives
Print and microform archives are held in the Library Store or in Special Collections.
Consult the relevant catalogue record for details of our holdings.
- Le MondeAvailable on microfilm from 1968-2019. Held at Walter Bower House Library.
- London Review of BooksFrom 1979 onwards
- New York Review of BooksFrom 1968 onwards
- The ScotsmanOn microform
- The St Andrews CitizenAvailable in print from Special Collections.
Available on microfilm from 1870 onwards. - The TimesIssues from 1785-2001 available on microform.
- The Times Educational SupplementCurrent issues then superseded by microfilm edition
- Times Educational Supplement (Scotland)Current issues only then superseded by microfilm edition
- The Times Higher EducationCurrent issues then superseded by microfilm edition
- The Times literary supplement.Current issues only then superseded by microfilm edition
Newspapers not available at St Andrews
If we do not have access to the newspaper you require, you may wish to consult the collection of the National Library of Scotland.
The NLS holds one of the largest newspaper collections in the UK and the largest in Scotland. You will need to register for a library card to use their collections.