Modern Languages: Reference
Need a dictionary?
- Oxford Language Dictionaries Online This link opens in a new windowArabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese
The Library subscribes to Oxford Language Dictionaries Online - electronic dictionaries for French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Chinese, and to the Oxford English Dictionary Online.
- Oxford English Dictionary (OED) This link opens in a new windowentries contain detailed etymological analysis, and are illustrated by quotations from a wide range of English language sources from around the world, making the OED a unique historical record. Updated quarterly
Reference Collections
- The Cambridge Companions to Literature and ClassicsThe Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics collection offers over 2,000 comprehensive and accessible essays on major authors, periods and genres; each writer is placed in literary and historical context
- CREDO Reference Collection366 major reference works, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, books of quotations, atlases etc.
- Oxford ReferenceHuge range of fully-indexed, extensively linked dictionary and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press.
- Who's Who and Who Was Who This link opens in a new windowDirectory of over 100,000 entries for the "noteworthy and influential in all walks of life, in the UK and worldwide."
- Literature Online (LION) Reference MaterialLION has a collection of reference works which can be searched or browsed