Sustainable Aquaculture: Library services for online learners
The services below are for distance learning students. Before using them please check whether we hold the item by searching our collections.
Recommend a book for purchase
E-mail the details of the book you would like to recommend to
Please let us know in the e-mail that you are a distance learner so we can check if an electronic copy of the book is available for us to purchase for your use
Scan and Deliver
If you only need one chapter from a book we hold in print or one article from a print journal then use this service to request it . We will digitise it and then e-mail you a copy.
Use the button on library search which says "Request scan" or if one doesn't show please e-mail us the details.
If you require a whole book or journal we are unable to scan this due to copyright reasons. Please recommend the book for purchase instead.
Find out more about the Scan and Deliver service.
Inter-Library Loan
If you request an item via our Inter-Library Loan service then we will find other libraries which hold it and request it from them. For distance learning students this service is available for book chapters and journal articles only. If you require a whole book then please recommend this for purchase.
Find out more about the Inter-Library Loan service and a link to the form to request an item.
Postal loans
If you are a distance learning student and live in the United Kingdom then you can ask us to post print books to you. There is a cost for this service.
Find out more about the book delivery service and how to return books to us.