Comparative Literature: Reference Resources
Electronic reference resources
Much of the library's reference material is available electronically, some of the key resources are listed on this page.
Reference Collections
- The Cambridge Companions to Literature and ClassicsThe Cambridge Companions to Literature and Classics collection offers over 2000 comprehensive and accessible essays on major authors, periods and genres; each writer is placed in literary and historical context
- CREDO Reference Collection366 major reference works, including dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, books of quotations, atlases etc.
- Oxford Reference This link opens in a new windowHuge range of fully-indexed, extensively linked dictionary and subject reference works published by Oxford University Press. Please note that the University does not subscribe to all the content on this site.
- Who's Who and Who Was Who This link opens in a new windowDirectory of over 100,000 entries for the "noteworthy and influential in all walks of life, in the UK and worldwide."
Other Dictionaries
From Credo Reference (more languages are available from the Credo site):
Collins English-Greek Dictionary
Collins French Dictionary Plus
Collins Greek-English Dictionary
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language
Chambers 21st Century Dictionary
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate(R) Dictionary
The Penguin English Dictionary
Other dictionaries are available also from Oxford Reference.