Distance Learning Students: Library services: Library Services

A guide to the services and support the Library offers to Flexible and Distance Learning Students

Library Services for Distance Learning Students

Book delivery service and returning books

We can post books out to addresses in the United Kingdom only, for distance learning students. You should provide details of the titles you want by email: library@st-andrews.ac.uk (please include class mark, author, title and year). There is a charge of £6.70 to cover postage costs by registered mail and insurance. If an item is recalled by another user we will let you know by email.

If you can’t get to the Library to return books, please post them to us. Post them to:

User Services
University of St Andrews Library
North Street
St Andrews
KY16 9TR

Ask for a free proof of postage receipt.

Inter-library loans

When a journal article or book chapter is not available from our collections, distance learners can request scanned articles and chapters through our Inter Library Loan Service. These will be sent directly to your University email account. 


If you need more than a chapter of a book, and an ebook isn't already available, you can email morebooks@st-andrews.ac.uk to ask us to check if an ebook can be purchased.

Request a scan

Distance learning students can request a scan from print resources held in the Library. 

If you only require 10% of a book (typically one chapter) or 1 article in a journal issue from items held in the JF Allen Library, St Mary's Library, Walter Bower House LibraryMartyrs or Psychology Store then we can scan this for you. Alongside these items you will see a “Request scan” button for you to submit your request.

  • Choose Request Scan
  • If there are multiple copies you will be asked to select a copy to scan, select a copy which is "in"
  • A form will appear asking for the chapter title, you must complete this field. You can also provide the chapter author and page range where know, these fields are optional.
  • Read the copyright declaration and click Submit
  • Library staff will email the scan to you.

For books and journals held in the Main Library there is no 'Request Scan' option, to request a scan from these email library@st-andrews.ac.uk with your requirements, the rules around the amount we can scan is the same.  Please email from your @st-andrews.ac.uk email address and include:

  • Book details (title and classmark)
  • Chapter title (essential)
  • Chapter author and page range if known
  • Title of your distance learning degree program

Depending on level of demand, we endeavour to supply scans on a next day basis, excluding weekends and holidays.

Search the Library

Get lean library for easier access to eresources

Graphic: Research like a pro with Lean Library! Install the plug-in to unlock free legal access to academic spapers and ebook resources.  Lean Library Technology from Sage.

Ever been stuck behind a paywall for a journal article, newspaper article, or ebook?

Lean Library is a browser add-on that makes it easier to get access to these resources. Land on a webpage where you can't access a resource and Lean Library can give you a link directing you to the full-text version available through the Library subscription, or an open-access version. It saves you time looking for a login button or having to go back to Library Search to look up a title. 

You can install the Lean Library browser add-on in most browser download.leanlibrary.com/

More information about Lean Library can be found in our guide libguides.st-andrews.ac.uk/lean

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