Divinity: Search for resources

Guide to Resources in Divinity


Using the Internet
Helpful guides to more effective searching

Searching with Atla Religion Database
Using the key tool for locating material in Divinity
- basic search
- advanced search
- refining your search


Library's A-Z List of Databases

The Library subscribes to over 200 networked databases.  Follow this link to see the full alphabetical list.

Get lean library for easier access to eresources

Graphic: Research like a pro with Lean Library! Install the plug-in to unlock free legal access to academic spapers and ebook resources.  Lean Library Technology from Sage.

Ever been stuck behind a paywall for a journal article, newspaper article, or ebook?

Lean Library is a browser add-on that makes it easier to get access to these resources. Land on a webpage where you can't access a resource and Lean Library can give you a link directing you to the full-text version available through the Library subscription, or an open-access version. It saves you time looking for a login button or having to go back to Library Search to look up a title. 

You can install the Lean Library browser add-on in most browser download.leanlibrary.com/

More information about Lean Library can be found in our guide libguides.st-andrews.ac.uk/lean

Not in the Library?

Can't find what you are looking for in the Library? There are a number of options available:

Searching with Atla Religion Database - basic search

Atla Religion Database (Atla RDB) is the most comprehensive resource for research in Theology and Biblical Studies. It provides full-text access to over 100 major religion and theology journals. Additionally it indexes c. 1,750 journals on all aspects of religion and many essays in edited books. [While full-text isn't available for all of these, you may be able to get books or articles we don't have access to via Inter-Library Loan.]

Because of the size of the database (well over 1 million items) your searches may well produce a large number of less relevant results. Options for narrowing the range of results are described here.

Searching Atla RDB is fairly intuitive and there are a number of different ways to go about it. There’s also a guide to searching for scripture references.

For example, to search for material on Karl Barth’s thinking on Christology, simply enter these subjects in the first two search boxes. You may also want to choose some of the options in the Select a Field boxes (e.g. to search by subject), but for a basic search it’s often o.k. to leave these as they are.

Picture of Alta Religion Database basic search screen

When you click the Search button your results will be displayed in the panel below, e.g.

Picture of Alta Religion Database basic search results

For articles where we have access to the Full Text online there will often be a direct link to this (e.g. to the PDF in the first result above). In some cases you may be able to access the text by clicking the Find Full Text button (e.g. in the second result) - this may find a link to an article. Where we don't have the full text of an article you may be able to request it via Inter-Library Loan, and for other item types, e.g. books, you can check for them in the Library catalogue.

For more advanced search techniques see the next box.

Searching with Atla Religion Database - advanced search

If you want to undertake a more detailed search, e.g. to find material on Karl Barth’s thinking on Christology in relation to the Trinity, you can repeat the search and add a further line, choosing AND from the drop-down list of Boolean operators (AND, OR and NOT) and adding the extra search term:

Picture of Alta Religion Database advanced search

By clicking on the Advanced Search option you can also use some of the features in the Limit your results box to refine your search - as in the example below where results are limited to items:
          - for which we have access to the full text online
          - that were published in scholarly journals (e.g. if you want to cut out more devotional material)
          - that were published in a particular time period (e.g. to cut out very old material)
          - that are a particular type of resource (e.g. to cut out results for books or book reviews)
          - and to English (or another) language material only

Picture of Alta Religion Database advanced search results

You should now get more precise results when you click the Search button.

Picture of Alta Religion Database advanced search detailed results

Another useful feature is the option to combine searches. E.g. if you’re comparing Barth and Moltmann’s thought on the doctrine of creation and have performed separate searches for “barth AND creation” and “moltmann AND creation”, you can use the Search History panel to combine the two searches to find works that look at both. Simply tick the boxes to select the searches you want to combine and then choose Search with AND [or for certain topics you may want to choose Search with OR].

Picture of Alta Religion Database advanced search combined search option

This should produce results that reflect a combination of both searches: -

Picture of Alta Religion Database advanced search combined search results

For information on other ways to narrow search results, see the next box.

Searching with Atla Religion Database - refining your search

If your search produces a large number of results there are several ways you can narrow the range of results so you can more easily find the ones which are most relevant.

You can sort results into a more helpful order by clicking on the Relevance Sort option at the top of the results panel, e.g. to find the most recent articles choose Date Descending.

Picture of Alta Religion Database refined search results

Another easy way to select more useful results is to use the Refine Results box in the right-hand column. This allows you to, for example, select only articles for which we have online access to the full text,

or to choose the date of publication of the material using the date range slider,

or to select a particular type of resource (e.g. journals or books),

or pick out a particular subject area (based on the keywords used in the article details),



or to choose the language.

Picture of Alta Religion Database refined search results

Picture of King James Library

The King James Library - part of St Mary's College Library

Need a dictionary?

The Library subscribes to the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) online:

Search the Library

Image search

Picture of sarchophagus
Sarcophagus (Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Artstor Digital Library includes a vast array of images related to Western and Eastern religious beliefs and traditions. As well as artworks depicting figures and scenes from religious literature, it contains images of sacred texts, religious iconography, ceremonial objects, and places of worship.

Google Web Search

Google Web Search