Divinity: Practical Theology

Guide to Resources in Divinity


Getting started
Good places to begin research on a topic or get a feel for a subject
- reference works
- introductory works
- e-resources

Internet resources
Links to websites and online collections of historical texts

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Getting started - reference works

Dictionaries and encyclopedias provide short helpful summaries and useful bibliographies. These can be found in the Reference sections of St Mary's Library (bookcases in the middle of the King James Library) and in the Main Library (near main entrance). A number are also available online. Some key titles are:

Getting started 2 - introductory works

Here are some suggestions for good general introductory works to help you find your way in Practical Theology.

Getting started 3 - e-resources

The titles below are examples of e-books and e-journals the Library provides access to. They are available in both electronic and print format.


The ARTstor image database contains a wide range of content related to Western and Eastern religious beliefs and traditions, including images of sacred texts, religious iconography, ceremonial objects, and places of worship, including temples, cathedrals, synagogues, churches, and mosques.

Info here.

Picture of stone crest

A detail from a painted stone crest commemorating a former master of St Mary's College.

Internet resources for Practical Theology

A selection of useful Web resources for Practical Theology and World Religions. Mouse over the titles to see what they cover.