Library Orientation: Orientation

A guide to library resources, facilities, and services for new and returning students

Library 'to do's' for getting started

The Library provides students with a variety of study spaces and resources and services to support your learning.  In orientation week we recommend you:

The Library is for everyone, so come on a tour to find out more. Tour guides are current students at St Andrews, they're friendly and helpful and want to make you feel welcomed.  Library staff are also available throughout the year to answer any questions you have.

Main Library tours for all new and returning students

Friday 24th and Sunday 26th January between 12 noon and 2pm. Come to the Main Library just off North Street, tour guides will be waiting just past the entry gates.

Tour guides are current St Andrews students who will welcome you and show you round the Main Library.  By the end of the tour you'll know:

  • what the opening times of the Library are,
  • where the silent and general study spaces are,
  • where the group study rooms are and which ones are bookable,
  • how to find and borrow library resources.
  • where the helpdesks are,
  • where to find out about other library spaces.

We look forward to meeting you.

Library orientation feedback

If you've attended a library orientation event we'd like to hear from you.  Complete our online form to tell us what you think. We have a prize draw for a £10 voucher for Amazon, Taste or Toppings.

An image of students studing at a group desk on level 1 of the Main Library, with text on top "Library orientaton feedback: use this form to provide feedback for any library orientation event you have attended"


Chat with us

You can chat online with a member of Library staff, this service is available:

  • Monday - Friday 9am-5pm