Careers: Home
The University Library and the Careers Centre have brought together a selection of books, with topics including career sectors, funding and making applications.
Advice and information
As well as a comprehensive website, these free take-away resources can be collected from the Careers Centre:
Employer directories
- TargetJobs, Inside Careers and Prospects publications
- The Times Top 100 Graduate Employers
- Law directories including Chambers Student Guide and Handbook
- The Guardian UK 300
Quick Guides
- CVs & covering letters
- Interviews & assessment centres
- Personal statements for postgraduate courses
- Speculative applications
Tactics Sheets
Over 50 titles covering popular career sectors. Read about what the job involves, skills needed, and tactics for success.
If you have a book suggestion, or have any questions about accessing any of the books and
information listed, please get in touch with the University Library.
T: 01334 46 2331