Higher Education Research: Databases
Education databases
- British Education Index This link opens in a new windowInformation on research, policy and practice in education in the UK. Strengths include aspects of educational policy and administration, evaluation and assessment, technology and special educational needs.
Indexes articles from UK Journals and UK Theses.
Searches can be narrowed down to Higher Education and document type
- ERIC (Education Resource Information Center)ERIC is a bibliographic database which indexes educational-related literature.
Supported by US Department of Education the database provides access to journals which are included in the Current Index of Journals in Education and Resources in Education Index.
Non journal material in the database includes documents produced by government departments, research and non-profit organizations, professional associations and book publishers.
Searches can be narrowed by educational level, intended audience and publication type.
Broadening your search
As well as the specialist educational databases listed on the left you will find other databases useful when researching the area of higher education. For example many of our psychology databases will contain journal articles relating to behavioural aspects of education, our social science databases will cover aspects relating to economic education, sociology and the political context in which institutions have to operate. Many disciplines also have their own educational related journals such as Journal of Research in Science Teaching and Academy of Management Learning & Education.
To access this broader range of literature you may wish to use one of our research databases which are particularly useful for author searching, cited reference searching and for analysing the literature.
- Scopus This link opens in a new windowa large multidisciplinary abstracting and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature. Covers over 19,000 journal titles.
- Web of Science This link opens in a new windowWeb of Science Core Collection includes the Science, Social Sciences and Arts & Humanities Citation Indexes, Conference Proceedings Citation Index for Science, Social Sciences & Humanities, Current Chemical Reactions and Index Chemicus.