Psychology & Neuroscience: Video, Sound and Image
Multimedia resources
The resources on this page are useful if you want to view a documentary on a particular topic. A selection of image databases are also listed and can be useful if you want to include images in any presentations or written work you are doing as they are copyright cleared for use in Higher Education.
- Box of Broadcasts This link opens in a new windowBoB is Learning on Screen’s on demand TV and radio service for education; Users can record programmes from over 65 free-to-air channels and an extensive archive of tv and radio broadcasts. You can create and share playlists and clips. NB: BoB is NOT AVAILABLE outside the UK.
- Ethnographic Video Online This link opens in a new windowover 1800 documentary films as well as video, written ethnographies, field notes, memoirs, and contemporary studies, covering human behavior the world over
- British Library Sounds This link opens in a new windowover 50,000 unique sound recordings from all over the world, includes accents and dialects and wildlife and environmental sounds. Smaller subset of sounds is available without logging in at
- ARTstor Digital Library This link opens in a new windowover 1.5 million digital images in arts, architecture, humanities & sciences, from international museums, photographers, libraries, photo archives, artists, etc. Also has relevance to anthropology, classics, history, literature, music, religion.
- ImageQuest This link opens in a new windowMillions of rights-cleared images that can be used by University students and staff for educational purposes. (Please credit photos with Encyclopædia Britannica ImageQuest and the date retrieved.)
- UK Medical Heritage Library (UKMHL) This link opens in a new windowThe UK Medical Heritage Library is the culmination of a three-year project between JISC, the Internet Archive, the Wellcome Library and nine other partner institutions to digitise more than 15 million pages in over 66,000 works. With full colour page scans, PDF downloads and OCR machine-generated full text for all publications, the collection is a valuable resource providing a broad and diverse range of relevant publications from the 19th century (Formerly available via JISC Historical Texts)