New Student Guide to the Library

A guide to getting started with the Library

Getting into the Library, Borrowing books, and Regulations

You'll need your matriculation card to enter and exit the Main Library, it also serves as your borrowing card.

Use our self service machines in the Main Library, JF Allen Library and St Mary's College Library to borrow and return.

Main Library

Use the Kiosk on the left to borrow, and the machine on the right to return.

Short loan (Main Library), JF Allen Library & St Mary's College Library

Use the kiosk to borrow and return items

How many books can I borrow?

  • Undergraduate students - 25 books at one time
  • Postgraduate students - 40 books at one time

How long can I borrow for?

There are a range of Loan types

4 week loan

  • Undergraduate and external members - 4 weeks loan with up to 4 automatic renewals
  • Staff and postgraduates - 4 week loan with up to 20 automatic renewals

3 day loan

  • 3 days with up to 10 automatic renewals

Short loan (no recall or renewal)

These are high demand books which can only be borrowed by students and staff of the University of St Andrews.  These can be borrowed for 4 hours and overnight.  Short loans cannot be renewed, you must return the item and re-issue it.  Fines are charged for Short loan items at 50p per hour of part of an hour.


If a 4 week loan item is recalled from you, the due date will change to 7-days from the date recalled, unless the due date is less than 7 days away, when the due date won't change.  You will be notified of the recall by rmail, and recalled books cannot be renewed.  If a 3 day loan items is recalled you'll receive an email, and won't be able to renew it.  Fines are charged for the late return of recalled items, at £2 per day.